Biosynthetic Products

Biosynthetic Products

In addition to fee for services, Panlabs devotes substantial resources to high-value natural products development. For each molecule, we screen and select strains to optimize fermentation bioprocess for eventual high-yielding precursor as feedstock. Based on the target fermentation product, we can then implement chemical or enzymatic conversion into semisynthetic derivatives for industrialization.

The two small molecule cytotoxic antibiotics, Ansamitosin derivatives and Calicheamicin (CLM) γI, have been utilized as intermediates of warhead in Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) applications. Panlabs has developed these compounds from the wild type producing strains and has established a comprehensive production process through strain improvement, optimization of fermentation process and downstream process. We have successfully conducted pilot production tests to deliver high-purity products in quantities of hundreds of grams or more. Furthermore, Panlabs has collaborated with partners to provide semi-synthetic products, including n-Acetyl-calicheamicin, Maytansinol, DM1, and other anti-cancer derivatives.

We are engaged in

In addition to Ansamitocin P3 (AP3) and CLM γI, Panlabs is actively developing several commercially viable products, including anticancer drugs like Doxorubicin and Staurosoprine (Midostaurin), antibiotics like Penicillin and Cephasporin C, health food products like CoQ10, as well as Antiparasite like MLB(CAS.No:1799297-76-9) etc. Most products have been developed with competitive fermentation titers and have potential for scale-up production. Our current production capacities for these products are to meet market demands and are suitable for manufacturers interested in mass production and market promotion.

Furthermore, Panlabs is dedicated to advancing biotechnology for application in the circular economy, aligning with the emerging trends in the green industry. We have carefully chosen appropriate fungal strains from our extensive microbial library, with a primary focus on mycelium production development. For example, by utilizing mycoproteins to replace animal proteins, Panlabs apply them in the next generation of sustainable meat and animal feed, contributing to carbon reduction and environmental conservation.

Compared to traditional livestock farming, the production of fungal protein (a type of plant-based protein) requires significantly less land and is much faster. This holds substantial significance and benefits considering the growing global focus on carbon reduction . We welcome enterprises from all sectors to discuss potential collaborations and co-creation.

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